Thursday, July 7, 2011

a little bit of DIY

A little while ago a friend of mine and I stumbled upon this awesome blog that has a little bit of everything called 'Honestly ... WTF'. It's an amazing blog and theres a little something there for everyone; its definitely worth having a look-see at it here.
One of the posts we found was the 'DIY Friendship Bracelet'. Take a look at the link to see for yourself how to do them.
I'm not normally one for DIY as I am far too impatient and generally end up messing it up because I am too rushed. However, this task taught me a little bit of patience and its great to do while watching TV and they make cute little gifts for friends.....

So cute!
Let me know what you think :) I've already made quite a couple, who YOU wear them?

1 comment:

  1. They're awesome, who wouldn't want one of these! Suicide rate on the rise over peoples inability to deal with the awesomeness of them!!!


Leave me your comments ladies, I love hearing what you have to say :)