Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sling Bags are 'It'

Sling bags are the must-have accessory of the season. They've been around for decades, however they are making a comeback and this summer they are going to be bigger than ever. Sling bags just add that finishing touch to an outfit; be they vintage leather, funky knits or bright colours. Nicole Richi pulls off her look with a quirky colourful sling bag.
My favourite look for the sling is the vintage-looking brown leather ones that I happened to come across at the Old Biscuit Mill in Woodstock. They're great because they're one-of-a-kind  and so you won't have to bump into seven other people wearing the same one the minute you step outside of your front door. The bags range from between R150 - R250, seem to be great quality, however they do not zip.
I've got my eye on a brown leather Woolworths sling bag at the moment, fingers crossed!

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